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Extended Study Programme

Extended Study Programme


Beijing Normal University-HKBU

United International College (UIC) @ Zhuhai

北京師範大學-香港浸會大學聯合國際學院 (北師港浸大) @ 珠海



Exteneded Study Programme (ESP) includes:

►Study @ Beijing Normal University-HKBU United International College (UIC)


►Internship Opportunities @ Global Top 500 Companies


One-week Excursion @ Europe


Entrepreneurship Experience


►Experiential Activities @ GBA





Enlighten like never before!

Apply Now 


15 APR 2024 (for AY2024/25)


Benefits of Extended Study Programme (ESP):


   ►Credit Transfer PRE-APPROVAL


   ►Friend Get Friend (Cash Prizes for Referrals)


   ►FREE Accommodation


   ►Up to HK$ 53,000 Financial Assistance/Semester


   ►Remain ELIGIBLE for Student Exchange Programme with BONUS POINTS





The Best Leverage! - Greater Bay Area 


With a population stands over 86 million, a GDP equivalent to that of Australia and R&D investment in excess of RMB250 billion, the Greater Bay Area (GBA)’s nine municipalities (e.g. Zhuhai) and two SARs (e.g. Hong Kong) are a leading global force across industries ranging from finance and technology to advanced manufacturing and biotech. The city cluster creates regional competitive advantages, rivaling international metropolitan bay areas such as those of Tokyo, New York and San Francisco.


Dubbed the city of romance and the city of a hundred islands, Zhuhai has so much to offer for exploration and achieved constant rapid economic development since its establishment as a special economic zone in 1980s.  Now a high-tech industrial corridor dedicated to industries like IT, biotech, new energy and advanced manufacturing, Zhuhai’s economic strength and technological competence have been greatly enhanced by the development of the cooperation zone in Hengqin. Equipped with world-class infrastructure such as Hengqin International Commercial Centre and Henqin International Science & Technology Innovation Centre, etc., Zhuhai is poised to become a leading destination for businesses, investors, and tourists alike.


Zhuhai is considered “China's most liveable city” for its clean air and proximity to the sea with convenient connections to Hong Kong and Macau. One of China's premier tourist destinations, it offers a pulsating nightlife and an unbeatable quality of life.


Extended Study Programme (ESP) includes:


►STUDY@ Beijing Normal University-HKBU United International College (UIC)

►Internship Opportunities @ Global Top 500 Companies

►One-week Excursion @ Europe

Entrepreneurship Experience

►Experiential Activities @ GBA

All You Can Have!



Beijing Normal University-HKBU United International College (UIC)

HKBU Zhuhai campus


Jointly founded in Zhuhai by Beijing Normal University and HKBU, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC) is the first full-scale higher education cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong.


Ranked in the country’s top 100, UIC offers innovative programmes – delivered in English across four divisions: Business & Management, Cultural & Creativity, Humanities & Social Sciences, and Science & Technology. With state-of-the-art facilities featuring the latest technology on its campus, UIC offers a stimulating and inspiring learning environment, supported by a global community of top scholars from more than 30 countries/regions.



Start career @ Global Top 500 companies

Dynamic City In GBA Attracting Leading Enterprises Worldwide


With competition for jobs on the increase, employers are looking for people who can  make a difference today. ESP @ UIC offers internship opportunities with the world’s leading enterprises. Residing in a state-of-the-art campus, you will apply your knowledge in the GBA – the heart of the global trade ecosystem – with market leaders like ByteDance, HSBC, Citi Bank, TCL, China Life, Wanke, and more!


Experiencing life in this effervescent high-tech industrial corridor, you will enjoy an unbeatable quality of life at a fraction of the costs elsewhere while building life-long relationships with global leaders.


TOP Companies    Companies by Industry


One-week Excursion @ Europe


Discover the wonders of Europe with university subsidies!


Embark on an unforgettable one-week excursion in Europe and immerse yourself in the rich history, vibrant cultures, and breathtaking landscapes that this diverse continent offers. From iconic cities to charming countryside, here's a glimpse of what your European adventure could entail. This one-week excursion in Europe promises to be a whirlwind of cultural experiences, breathtaking sights, and unforgettable memories.


Through this excursion organized by UIC, you can also get a chance to meet and engage with students from diverse backgrounds.




Entrepreneurship Experience


A path to the world of entrepreneurship


Don’t miss out this extraordinary study opportunity to the Greater Bay Area that combines academic learning with real-world entrepreneurship experience! You'll have the chance to visit renowned tech giants and innovative startups, gain firsthand exposure to the thriving startup culture and cutting-edge technology scene, and listen to successful entrepreneurs and industry experts sharing their insights and experiences.


Join us on ESP and embark on a path to become a future business leader!







Experiential Activities @ GBA


Delve into Southern China’s Megacity