BU Market Fun Fact: Fried Dace with Salted Black Beans

You can find me at every home in Hong Kong!
Every place has its own iconic family dish that people living there feel a strong connection to. In Hong Kong, it would be Fried Dace with Salted Black Beans (豆豉鯪魚).
The dish is packed in cans, so it is easy to store at home. When you forget to do your grocery shopping, just reach into the cabinet and save your dinner! The classic recipe for fried dace is to stir-fry it with vegetables. It gives rich flavors to the greens while the freshness of veggies balances the greasiness of the fried dace, creating an appetizing dish for every household.
Recently, an odd robbery case occurred in Hong Kong. The suspect went to a supermarket in Sheung Shui and robbed for 48 cans of Fried Dace with Salted Black Beans only. Of course, robbery should be condemned. But the fact that he only robbed for this dish made people laugh and wonder how important this dish was to the suspect.