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Application Procedures

Nomination and Application Process

1st (Fall) Semester

Nominations – by Home Institution

May 1

Applications – by Students

May 15

2nd (Spring) Semester

Nominations – by Home Institution

October 1

Applications – by Students

October 15

Step 1

Nomination by home institution


All exchange students must be nominated by their home institutions in order to apply for admission to Hong Kong Baptist University.  Completed applications must reach HKBU International Office by the above deadlines.  Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.


The home institution will nominate students to HKBU in accordance with the mutually agreed number of exchange places.  Home institutions should nominate students with their full names as appeared on their passport and email addresses.  

Step 2

Invitation for application


After your home institution nominates you, you will receive the application information and procedures by email. Undergraduate exchange students are required to complete online application form and postgraduate exchange students are required to complete paper application form.

Step 3

Document submission


Your completed application form for HKBU, student visa application form and all required documents (please see page 4 of Quick Reference Guide and Visa for details) should be submitted to the International Office by the following deadlines:


Application Deadlines

1st (Fall) Semester: May 15

2nd (Spring) Semester: October 15


Please read and follow the CHECKLIST carefully before submission.


We will review your application with the receipt of your completed application documents.  Exchange offer notifications will be released by email.

Step 4

Course Registration 



Having been accepted by HKBU, undergraduate exchange students will receive information about course pre-registration.

Students should be flexible in their course selection in case of unsuccessful registration in some courses. They may adjust the course registration during the course add/drop period during the first 2 weeks of classes. The Academic Registry will provide details about the course add/drop system at the orientation.


For postgraduate exchange students: HKBU Graduate School will register courses according to your preferred course choices in your application form. You will receive an email of courses registration result approximately 2 weeks before the semester starts.  Please allow flexibility in the study plan in case you are not enrolled to all your preferred courses. It is possible to change the course registration during the course add/drop period in the first two teaching weeks. Details of the course add/drop system will be given at the orientation programme.

Step 5

Accommodation Application




Application Deadlines for Accommodation


1st (Fall) Semester

Mid July

2nd (Spring) Semester

Mid November

 University Housing

Undergraduate exchange students may stay in the Undergraduate Halls ( or Village CARE ( on campus. All rooms are on sharing basis, and beds are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.  Application details will be announced to admitted exchange students.  If they choose to stay off-campus, it will be individual student’s own responsibility to make his/her accommodation arrangements.


Postgraduate exchange students may stay at the NTT International House (NTT) on campus on a first-come-first-served basis (  Once admitted, postgraduate exchange students will be put into direct contact with NTT for housing applications.

 Duration of Stay

1st (Fall) Semester

Late August – Late December

2nd (Spring) Semester

Early January – Mid May

Full year

Late August – Mid May

  • Check-in and check-out dates will be duly announced. No early check-in and late check-out will be entertained.