Student Voices
"I recommend anyone to come to Hong Kong and HKBU"
Jens Marga
Incoming exchange student, Spring 2018
(WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management)
MSc Business Management, HKBU
PhD Management Information System, HKBU

"It was an incredible experience"
When I came to HKBU, I wanted to get to know local students and somehow still pass the required classes - instead, local students wanted to get to know me and the courses I attended were the best I ever got! It was an incredible experience and I can really recommend it to anyone who wants to see more than their usual environment.
Bertille Ameloot
Hochschle Offenburg, Germany
"HKBU is a nice and warm university"
HKBU is a nice and warm university where you will feel like home. People are friendly and open.
Luis Garcia
IPADE Mexico, Mexico

"Being a student at HKBU while in Hong Kong made the stay even better"
Exchange at HKBU has truly been amazing. I was surrounded by a great community that had been so supportive, introduced me to so many new things, and provided me with so many opportunities. Hong Kong is a great city and being a student at HKBU while in Hong Kong made the stay even better.
Rulia Louise Jaynes
California State University, Long Beach, USA
"Everyone at HKBU was very helpful."
They offer a lot of different courses to exchange students, which is a plus. The international office also arranges a lot of very interesting trips and other events.
Katariina Saarinen
University of Jyväskylä, Finland