Course Offerings

Study load
The minimum study load for a full-time student at HKBU is 12 credits (or 4 courses) per semester. In other words, you will be required to enroll for at least 12 credits per semester (or 4 courses per semester) to be considered a full-time student at HKBU, and to satisfy the immigration laws of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
To get a real feel of the academic exchange, we encourage you to enrol for 5 (or 6) courses to start with. Please consult with your academic advisor at your home institution.
Course selection
You are free to choose and enroll in any courses you want (provided you also meet the prerequisite requirements, if any, of the courses). You should confer with your home institution academic adviser to seek approval for selected courses for the purpose of credit transfer.
Click Here to find exchange courses.
The specific courses that are offered in a given semester are subject to change. Please consult the current list of course offerings in planning your course selections.