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Where To Go

Kingston University London

Exchange semester

1st Semester or 2nd Semester

Minimum GPA Requirement


English proficiency minimum scores

TOEFL (Paper/Computer/Internet) : TOEFL IBT: 88 (R=22, L=21, S=23, W=22)
IELTS : 6.5 overall (with no individual component score lower than 5.5)

Major of study

School of Creative Arts


For students from the Academy of Visual Arts only
TOEFL PBT (paper-based test) and CBT (computer-based test) are not accepted

Digital factsheet of Kingston University London

Lancaster University

Fact Sheet

Exchange semester

1st Semester or 2nd Semester

Minimum GPA Requirement


English proficiency minimum scores

TOEFL (Paper/Computer/Internet) : 87 overall, minimum of 17 in listening, 18 in reading, 17 in speaking and 22 in writing
IELTS : 6.5 with at least 6.0 in writing and 5.5 in the other elements

Major of study

School of Business


Top University

Loughborough University

Fact Sheet

Exchange semester

2nd Semester

Minimum GPA Requirement


English proficiency minimum scores

TOEFL (Paper/Computer/Internet) : 92 (with no less than 22 in each test)
IELTS : 6.5 (with no less than 6 in each component)

Major of study

School of Business


Top University

Manchester Metropolitan University

Fact Sheet

Exchange semester

1st Semester or 2nd Semester

Minimum GPA Requirement


English proficiency minimum scores

TOEFL (Paper/Computer/Internet) : 79 with no individual test score below: Listening: 17; Reading: 18; Speaking: 20; Writing : 17
IELTS : 6.0 with no less than 5.5 in any component

Major of study

School of Business


Student feedback


The University of Sheffield

Fact Sheet

Exchange semester

Full Year or 2nd Semester

Minimum GPA Requirement


English proficiency minimum scores

TOEFL (Paper/Computer/Internet) : Overall score of 88 (minimum 19 in Listening, 19 in Writing, 20 in Reading, 22 in Speaking)
IELTS : IELTS 6.5 (minimum 6.0 in each component)

Major of study

Faculty of Science


For students from the Department of Computer Science Only.

Each of their academic departments at Sheffield has individual English language requirements. If you are studying in more than one department, you must meet the score for each department.

University of Birmingham

Fact Sheet

Exchange semester

1st Semester or 2nd Semester

Minimum GPA Requirement


English proficiency minimum scores

TOEFL (Paper/Computer/Internet) : 79
IELTS : 6.5 overall (no band score below 6) ***Business and Economics require minimum of 6.5 in Writing and Speaking***

Major of study

University Level (For all majors)

School of Business


Top University
Extraordinary Choice


English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements: here

The subjects for study abroad and exchange students are in Groups A and B with Group A having the lower requirement – please note that the Business School is in Group B, but Business and Economics require a slightly higher score for Writing and Speaking.***

***Business School programmes require one of the following scores: A TOEFL score of 88 overall with a minimum of 22 in Writing and Speaking, or an IELTS score of 6.5 overall with minimum of 6.5 in Writing and Speaking

Student Feedback

University of Central Lancashire

Fact Sheet

Exchange semester

1st Semester or 2nd Semester

Minimum GPA Requirement


English proficiency minimum scores

TOEFL (Paper/Computer/Internet) : IBT – minimum score 80 with the minimum sub-score: Reading 10, Listening 10, Speaking 17, Writing 19
IELTS : minimum score 6.0 with minimum 5.5 across sub-catergories (reading, writing, speaking, listening)

Major of study

School of Communication